Tuesday, January 20, 2009

book review for fallen from shadow

FALLEN FROMSHADOWby Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc

Let me start by saying this is one of the fastest reviews that I have ever written. Not because I wanted to get it over with, but because I couldn’t tear myself away from the story. When I read the opening passage to the story, I had to send Andrea a message telling her how much that one passage just blew me away. As you know, the opener to a story is probably the most important thing an author writes. It has to hook the reader. This reader was hooked. Sometimes, unfortunately, the story tends to weaken afterwards. That is not the case here. The story just kept getting better.

Farayne is a bored socialite with a free spirit that she decides to answer. Her story and adventure is incredibly well crafted as we follow her exploits in life and love. The story is an epic tale of an ancient vampire and an eternal love that truly needs to be read. Add to that the drama of a woman, living with the guilt of leaving her mother barren, and a control freak father who hated the notion of Farayne being a female. A broken family is something I and many others can relate to, and you can’t help but feel for the character’s pain.

Before I go any further, remember that this is a romance. Even with the creatures of the night involved, there is a tale of true love here. I am not a fan of romance stories, no offense to any romance authors out there; I just can’t get into them. This story, however, was so well written I couldn’t help but love it!

Andrea is a beautiful soul with an unending well of talent. I am honored to know her and thankful for having the opportunity to read her latest book. I consider this a must read, and I give it 5 out of 5 bones!

Review written by T.G.Reaper
Best selling author of Empty Graves and the soon to be released Meat Puppet


Nothing to See said...

Thom, where can I get my hands on this story? Is it available as a download for the Sony eReader? It sounds like a good story, even though, I too am not big on romances. However, if you feel it is worth a read, I trust your judgment.

Artefaque: (är'tə-fākt') * said...

Thank you for your recommendation, I will make a promise to read it.